Monthly Archives: October 2015

This article appeared in the October 8 edition of the Chanute Tribune. Theologians seek answers to questions about God. What is God like? What is God’s purpose for humankind? What are God’s purposes for the world? How do we know about God? These are the kinds of questions to which […]

Everybody’s a Theologian

This article appeared in the September 30 edition of the Chanute Tribune.  Are American Christians typically humble or arrogant towards those with whom they disagree? Regrettably, there have been times when the latter has been true. This is something I have observed in a number of Christians’ lives, particularly my own! […]

Spiritual Pride in the Face of the Gospel

This article appeared in the September 23rd edition of the Chanute Tribune.  Therefore he said he would destroy them—had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to turn away his wrath from destroying them (Psalm 106:23). Several years ago I heard a short devotion based on this […]

Who’s Standing in the Gap?